Saturday, February 8Remote Jobs For Everyone

Tag: LiveOps

Working for LiveOps
Customer Service Representative, Flexible Jobs, Independent Contractor, Work from Home

Working for LiveOps

Liveops is one of the established companies that contract with independent contractors to provide services for companies throughout the United States.    Those that work for LiveOps will have to pay for a background check before starting their new role.     These roles are mostly working as a customer service representative for different companies.   You choose what company you want to work for and then you go through a period of training.  the timeframe for training is determined by the customer service role you select to fulfill.   These training are free for you to attend, and you are not paid during training. Agents are asked not to disclose information about the companies they service or other personal details, so that is why you may see a limited amount of information about Liveop...
Flexible Work From Home Jobs
Flexible Jobs, Independent Contractor, Work from Home

Flexible Work From Home Jobs

Many people have multiple responsibilities in and out of the home and need a position that can be flexible.   Parents caring for children need to schedule around their schedule and sometimes another job. Here is a listing of some jobs and companies that have flexible positions that allow you to create your own hours. LiveOps When you sign a contract with LiveOps you will be an independent contractor.   You are not directly employed by the company, so taxes will not be deducted from your earnings.  You will be required to pay any of your state and local taxes from your earnings.  LiveOps allows you to make your own schedule and this is done in 30-minute blocks of time.   There are different companies that you can provide services to while being an independent contractor with LiveOps.  ...